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Top 5 Reasons Why Physicians Should Practice Stealth Wealth

Look, I already know what you are thinking! I have worked too hard for too long to ‘hide my wealth.’ I am a physician. I delayed my gratification into my mid-thirties when everyone else had lived lavishly for decades before me. Why should I have to hide my wealth and success?!

Well, folks, I am here to tell you that stealth wealth is not about avoiding your income. It is about cultivating a way of life that allows you to expedite financial freedom while avoiding the attention that comes with excess. With this post, we are looking at the Top 5 Reasons Why Physicians Should Practice Stealth Wealth. What follows will convince you that maintaining modesty as your assets grow and your liabilities fade will help you reach your personal and financial goals. 

What is stealth wealth?

Before we dive into the Top 5 Reasons Why Physicians Should Practice Stealth Wealth, let’s first clarify what stealth wealth is. 

Stealth wealth refers to a financial strategy or lifestyle where individuals, often high-earners (but not always), deliberately maintain a modest or discreet outward display of their wealth. The term ‘stealth wealth’ comes from being ‘stealthy’ or inconspicuous about one’s financial status or success. It involves living below your means, making frugal financial choices, and avoiding extravagant displays of wealth.

The primary motivation (*wink* see what I did there…) behind practicing stealth wealth is to achieve financial security, privacy, and long-term stability without drawing unnecessary attention or attracting potential risks. This concept is particularly prevalent among professionals in high-income fields, such as physicians, lawyers, or entrepreneurs, who might experience increased scrutiny and solicitation due to their expected earning potential.

So, what are some reasons why physicians should practice stealth wealth?

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1. Protecting personal safety and privacy

For starters, there are risks associated with physicians displaying their wealth publicly. I do not want to get all ‘doom and gloom’ here. Still, it tracks that given the societal expectation of ‘riches’ associated with healthcare professions, this could make you a target for criminal activity or privacy breaches. In the United States, doctors and physicians remain highly regarded as a profession associated with high incomes and expectations of wealth. This makes our profession vulnerable. Here are a few tips and strategies for physicians to safeguard their safety and privacy while practicing stealth wealth:

  • Avoid publicly flaunting wealth on social media or in public settings.
  • Refrain from sharing personal financial information or discussing specific income details with peers.
  • Be discreet about expensive purchases such as luxury items or high-end properties.
  • Keep personal and professional information separate.
  • Consider using pseudonyms or variations of your name when engaging in online activities, particularly in public forums.
  • Regularly update passwords and enable two-factor authentication for online accounts to enhance security.
  • Be cautious about charitable donations, use reputable organizations that protect donor privacy, and avoid sharing sensitive personal information.

While these strategies can enhance personal safety and privacy, physicians must remain vigilant and adapt their practices as needed. Further, seeking advice from legal and financial professionals specializing in privacy and asset protection can provide valuable insights to physicians pursuing a stealth wealth approach.

Square ad for physician disability insurance from LeverageRx showing a happy female physician

2. Reducing financial envy and resentment

Another reason why physicians should practice stealth wealth is that it can help reduce their resentment of others. In other words, it will help you avoid the constant comparison we often entertain when seeing what others have and what we lack. 

Physicians practicing stealth wealth can proactively reduce financial envy from colleagues, friends, or acquaintances who wish to display their success. Money-related emotions can strain relationships and create a hostile work or family environment. By being thoughtful and compassionate, physicians can promote a healthier financial dynamic and foster positive relationships with those around them.  

By living below your means, you are, by your very definition, not displaying your wealth to its full potential. That is a good thing. This helps in the practice of humility. The academic, emotional, mental, and financial journey of medical education helps physicians remain humble.

This may be off base, but given the nature of our profession, we are caring for patients from all walks of life. This can help us shed judgment and resentment and empower us to have an open dialog, no matter one’s walk of life. Despite your success, this will help you avoid comparison. It will help you be grateful and generous for what you have, not what you don’t.  

By exercising some of these strategies, physicians can contribute to a more supportive and understanding environment, fostering positive relationships and reducing financial envy and resentment. Emphasizing shared values, generosity, and personal growth can promote a healthier approach to money and wealth, benefiting both individuals and the community.  

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3. Avoiding lifestyle inflation

Ah, lifestyle creep. It comes for us all. As soon as we exit training, our income expands, and so too does our desire to make our lifestyle reflect our income. Stealth wealth can help us avoid concerning lifestyle inflation.  

Physicians practicing stealth wealth can avoid lifestyle creep by adopting a disciplined approach to managing their finances. As their incomes increase, resisting the temptation of upgrading their lifestyle is crucial. Instead, physicians should prioritize long-term financial security and set clear financial goals.

By establishing and sticking to a budget, physicians can allocate their funds wisely, avoiding unnecessary splurges on luxury items or extravagant experiences. Regularly tracking their expenses and identifying areas where they can save money will allow them to maintain a balanced lifestyle while ensuring that their spending aligns with their values and goals.  

Further, physicians and doctors should build a solid financial foundation by prioritizing savings and investments. Creating an emergency fund (more on that next) to cover unexpected expenses can act as a safety net and reduce the likelihood of succumbing to lifestyle inflation. Additionally, physicians can prioritize debt repayment to ease financial burdens and increase flexibility.

By making conscious decisions about their financial choices and consistently saving and investing, physicians can balance enjoying the fruits of their labor and safeguarding their financial future, ultimately avoiding lifestyle creep and achieving long-term financial success.  

A blue square ad for paid physician surveys from M3 Global Research

4. Building a safety net for unforeseen circumstances

Building a safety net for the unexpected is critical to a physician’s financial strategy when practicing stealth wealth. 

Creating a robust safety net can provide peace of mind and financial security, ensuring physicians are well-prepared to handle emergencies or unexpected events. One essential step is establishing an emergency fund covering three to six months’ living expenses.

This fund should be easily accessible, kept in a separate account, and reserved solely for genuine emergencies like medical emergencies, unemployment, unforeseen repairs, etc. Physicians can weather financial storms by diligently contributing to this fund over time without compromising their long-term investment goals.  

Diversifying investments and avoiding over-concentration in any one asset can also contribute to building a safety net for physicians. Physicians can reduce the risks associated with market fluctuations by diversifying your portfolio across various asset classes, sectors, and geographic regions. Diversification can shield the portfolio from the adverse effects of a market downturn in any specific market, ensuring that the overall financial well-being remains intact even during volatile economic periods. 

Building a diversified investment portfolio aligned with their risk tolerance and long-term financial goals can be a prudent strategy for physicians seeking to strengthen their safety net and protect against economic uncertainties.  

If you wish to learn more about building an effective emergency fund, check out Emergency Fund: Your First Financial Goal!

A white and purple square ad showing a happy female physician doing paid physician surveys on her phone from InCrowd.

5. Gaining financial freedom and flexibility

By adopting prudent financial habits and strategic planning, physicians practicing stealth wealth can gain financial freedom and flexibility. Firstly, living below their means and avoiding unnecessary expenses saves them a significant portion of their income.

By consistently saving and investing, they can build a solid financial foundation and create multiple income streams to supplement their primary earnings. Diversifying investments (as mentioned above) and practicing tax efficiency can optimize their wealth growth and provide more excellent financial stability.

Secondly, physicians can prioritize debt reduction, paying off high-interest debts to free up more disposable income. An emergency fund is crucial for handling unexpected events without dipping into long-term investments or savings. By planning for retirement early and consistently contributing to retirement accounts, they can accelerate their path to financial independence and FIRE. 

Lastly, maintaining financial literacy empowers physicians to make informed decisions while considering geographic flexibility and anticipating major life events, ensuring they are well-prepared for changes. Combining these strategies enables physicians practicing stealth wealth to achieve financial freedom and flexibility, allowing them to make choices that align with their goals, values, and desired work-life balance. 

Take home points

Stealth wealth may not be for every physician, but there are aspects of a modest lifestyle that could benefit anyone in the healthcare profession. Protect your safety and privacy. Whether you like it or not, your occupation and earnings make you a target for solicitations and scams. Stop trying to ‘keep up with the Joneses.’ The sooner you learn to be grateful for what you have (not what you don’t), the sooner you will find happiness and joy in your success.

Avoid lifestyle creep. Just because you can spend it doesn’t mean you should. Also, make sure to guard against unforeseen expenses and emergencies. Do yourself a favor and create an emergency fund with three to six months’ worth of living expenses so your financial plan is not derailed by the unexpected. Lastly, use stealth wealth to help you reach financial independence!

For another great article on stealth wealth, check out The Rise of Stealth Wealth: Ways to Stay Invisible From Society if you Have Money by Sam Dogen at Financial Samurai.

As always…

Stay motivated!

The Motivated M.D.

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