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The Best Physician Finance Blogs of 2024

Part of the mission of The Motivated M.D. is to provide resources to our readership that will help them self-educate and grow on their journey toward financial prosperity. However, despite my weekly blog posts juggling a full-time clinical job, I cannot provide this alone. Because of this, I turn to other resources to help me, like many of you. Some are wildly thorough, comprehensive, and established platforms; others are solo bloggers like myself. However, they all seek to provide the same thing: a helpful word to guide you on your financial journey. As such, I have compiled this list of the best physician finance blogs of 2024.

a green and white banner ad for physician disability insurance from Pattern Life Insurance.

Selection Criteria

It can be challenging to select the best physician finance blogs of 2024. Hundreds of physicians and healthcare professionals are creating great content about their careers, financial journeys, and struggles. All of these can offer varying degrees of guidance through their experience. However, I applied a few ‘hard and fast’ rules to create the following list. Here they are:


The first selection criterion is simple. The website must be currently active. Meaning the content published must be current and ongoing. There are a lot of excellent physician finance websites that are no longer active and have great content. I often refer to them from time to time. However, for a website or platform to make this list, it must be actively publishing. I find that keeps them on the cutting edge and up to date on current financial changes and strategies. Websites that are no longer active were excluded from this list.  

Physician Focused

Second, the blogs need to primarily target physicians specifically. Even for The Motivated M.D., we sometimes write articles that target a wider audience than doctors. Sometimes, financial information applies to all healthcare workers. Let’s be honest: the overwhelming majority of physician finance information is personal finance, which applies to everyone! However, another selection criterion to make this list is that most content needs to be physician-focused.  


Next, content needs to be predominantly financial. We all enjoy writing content about changes in medical politics or philosophy. These are great reads! But given the mission of The Motivated M.D. I wish to prioritize providing great content for individuals navigating their financial journey. Thus, the websites need to be primarily creating financial content.  


Last but certainly not least, the content published on these blogs needs to be original. This means that it is not re-publishing other individual’s work. So much personal and physician-specific content sounds similar, which is perfectly fine. However, it is always more enjoyable when it has a personal spin. Content published cannot be plagiarized, copied, or recreated. I specifically selected blogs that provide regular, original, and personalized articles.  

So, without further ado, here are the best physician finance blogs of 2024!

The Best Physician Finance Blogs of 2024

The Motivated M.D.

The Motivated MD logo

OK… clearly, I am a little biased, but our blog is pretty good. As such, I wanted to do a little self-promotion! Here at The Motivated M.D., we seek to provide regular applicable content directly to you every week. Predominantly, the content we produce is catering to physicians. Write what you know, right? As a Pulmonary and Critical Care physician married to an Emergency Medicine physician, I have some experience navigating professional careers and physician finance. 

The Motivated M.D. creates content around physician side gigs, debt elimination, retirement savings, asset protection, budgeting, home buying, disability and life insurance, and more! We also offer a FREE Microsoft Excel budgeting spreadsheet to help you revitalize your finances. Want to learn more about what The Motivated M.D. is all about? Check out My Story. From climbing out of a combined $670,000 medical education debt to reaching a positive net worth and beyond, you can find financial tips, tricks, and experience here. So please subscribe, get our free tools, and receive all our latest content directly to your inbox!

The White Coat Investor

The White Coat Investor logo

The ‘OG’ of physician finance blogs. Dr. Jim Dahle has turned The White Coat Investor into a platform synonymous with ‘physician finance.’ The White Coat Investor (WCI) posts daily content, offers a monthly newsletter, and an annual conference (White Coat Investor CON – WCICON). Further, WCI has multiple books that are all great reads, online courses ranging from personal finance to real estate investing, and a podcast! These are all items I recommend to any professional who approaches me.  

You cannot begin your financial journey without interacting with WCI. Do yourself a favor, subscribe to their newsletter, pick up their books, and circle back when you need more nuanced content.  

Physician on FIRE

The Physician on FIRE logo

Honestly, I fear even labeling Physician on FIRE as a ‘close second’ to WCI. Physician on FIRE (PoF) is equally impactful in physician finance. Originally founded by Dr. Leif Dahleen, an anesthesiologist with a passion for FIRE (financial independence, retire early). He used this blog to share his experience as he navigated the road to financial independence. After retiring completely at the age of 43 and subsequently traveling the world, he continued to grow the blog into the juggernaut it is today.  

Surprisingly, it recently changed hands, and new ownership has taken over. Though I will sincerely miss Dr. Dahleen and his infinite wisdom, I am excited to see what Dr. Jorge Sanchez, Dr. Nirav Shah, and Vinci Palad bring to the blog. Change can be a good thing. Physician on FIRE primarily focuses on financial independence, early retirement, debt elimination, financial milestones, etc. PoF is another excellent blog and newsletter that everyone should subscribe to. They are part of the WCI network.

Passive Income MD

Passive Income MD logo

In keeping with blogs that are affiliated with the WCI network, the next blog is Passive Income M.D. (PIMD). Catering to a slightly different crowd, Dr. Peter Kim, founder of Passive Income MD, predominantly focuses on physicians’ side gigs and real estate investing. Though the WCI network often shares articles across their platforms and comments on real estate investing periodically, Passive Income M.D. is headstrong into financial independence through real estate investments and side gigs.

When I started The Motivated M.D. blog, I spent a lot of time on this site. It offers many articles on blogging as well as other means of diversifying your cash flow. Don’t like to digest your content through blogs? Don’t worry; there are online courses and podcasts too! Further, Passive Income M.D. has its own conference as well called PMIDCON! Along side all its peers in the WCI network, PMID has found a home teaching medical professionals to grow wealth outside of their profession.  

Financial Success M.D.

Financial Success MD logo

Dr. Cory S. Fawcett at Financial Success M.D. is a retired surgeon who continues to pump out content across multiple mediums. He is most well-known through his many physician finance books. He has publications targeting debt elimination, practice management, investing, alternative career paths, and more. I have read the lion’s share of them and would recommend them all.

Though he has several books in circulation, he also manages a blog by the same name. Financial Success M.D. curates content around physician finance, retirement, and investing. However, he does write about philosophy, experience, locum work, and post-retirement life. I would honestly tell you to start by reading one of his books. They are a gateway to more of this content.  

The Prudent Plastic Surgeon

The Prudent Plastic Surgeon logo

The Prudent Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Jordan Frey, is a practicing plastic surgeon who blogs about personal finance. To be honest, I am not sure how he does it all! He has written a book called Money Matters in Medicine that can be found on Amazon. Further, he also boasts an online course called Graduating to Success. All the while, he has somehow found the time to publish a blog post almost daily and still practice medicine. As a fellow physician finance blogger, full-time physician, and happily married father of two, I genuinely do not understand how he has managed to do so much.  

I see his content featured on Doximity and other sites included above. So clearly, he is becoming a prominent name in our small physician finance niche. I think he has solid content and a passion for helping colleagues reach their financial goals. Check him out!

Semi-Retired MD

Semi-retired MD logo

Somewhat akin to Passive Income M.D., Semi-retired MD focuses on reaching financial independence through real estate investing, and they are willing to show you how! The website is owned and operated by a dual-physician couple (Drs. Kenji Asakura and Leti Alto) who have improved their quality of life and finances through real estate investing. They offer online courses and their podcast, Doctors Building Wealth, to supplement their blog posts.  

Semi-Retired M.D. does a great job of publishing articles documenting their journey achieving financial milestones through intelligent investments. If pursuing passive income through real estate piques your interest, look no further. Check out their online course, subscribe to their newsletter, and expand your real estate knowledge!  

The Physician Philosopher

The Physician Philosopher logo

The last of the White Coat Investor network, Dr. Jimmy Turner, has been publishing content on The Physician Philosopher for quite some time now. I originally came across The Physician Philosopher after his book The Physician Philosopher’s Guide to Personal Finance was recommended. I subsequently digested it overnight and, since then, have followed his content with some regularity. Though his book reiterates similar points across much of the personal finance sector, I would include it in the list of ‘must-reads’ concerning physician-focused personal finance. Further, he also has many prior blog posts around physician finance. 

Dr. Turner has recently turned his sights towards the burnout epidemic that our profession is facing. His most recent publication is Determined: How Burned-Out Doctors Can Thrive in a Broken Medical System. Like many other blogs, The Physician Philosopher offers a physician coaching course and two regular podcasts. His content should be another welcome addition as you gather financial education resources.   

Ben White MD

Ben White MD logo

Dr. Ben White, a neuroradiologist, has been blogging for quite some time. From what I can gather, he has been publishing on his site since 2007! As a seasoned veteran in the blogosphere, his content is worth checking out. Though he posts regularly about philosophy and radiology, he also incorporates great physician finance content. Further, he has written books on student loan debt and navigating medical school and The Match process.  

He is one of the original voices in the physician finance niche. Though his content is not always directly applicable, including a giant in the niche who regularly has something insightful to say is always appreciated.  

The Frugal Physician

The Frugal Physician Logo

Last but certainly not least on our list is Dr. Disha Spath at The Frugal Physician. She has been blogging and making waves in the physician finance niche for quite some time. She got her start publishing content on her website. However, her articles were quickly picked up for other platforms, and her frugal mentality spoke to a broader audience. She would later join the White Coat Investor network, briefly participating in their podcast content, co-hosting WCICON, and providing a female physician perspective alongside Dr. Dahle.  

Her journey has since navigated away from the White Coat Investor. She is back publishing content on her website and hosting a podcast, Finding Financial Freedom with The Frugal Physician. Her website also provides several freebies, including a budgeting tool, an e-book about debt elimination, and more! With a revitalized website and fresh content across various mediums, Dr. Spath is back to providing you with the tools needed to reach financial success.  

Take Home Points

There are so many physicians creating phenomenal content in the physician finance niche. However, this list should provide you with comprehensive and relevant resources on your financial journey. Between all the blogs mentioned, no matter your financial background or level of understanding, you will find all the topics you need to reach success. It is all here, from debt elimination to asset protection, saving, budgeting, home-buying, investing, and more. Take the time to check out all of these great blogs, and let me know in the comments if I missed anyone who deserves to be included! As always…

Stay motivated!

The Motivated M.D.

Invest with confidence with DLP Capital in this square ad for real estate investing for physicians.

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What blogs do you follow? Who else should be included on this list? In the comments below, let us know about The Best Physician Finance Blogs of 2024! We love to hear from you.

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A white banner ad showing a happy physician in this advertisement for physician disability insurance from LeverageRx

Standard Disclaimer: None of the information on this website is meant as individualized financial or medical advice. These posts may contain affiliate links.

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