Why would a physician keep working if they are financially independent? A guest author talks ‘Why I Still Work After Achieving Financial Independence.’
Here at The Motivated M.D., we talk a lot about personal finance and physician finance. Inevitably, we discuss financial independence and the FIRE movement (financial…
Looking to expedite your journey toward financial independence? Here is how real estate investing can accelerate physician FIRE now!
Looking to reach financial independence and retire early? Well wait no longer, here is the fastest way for physicians to achieve FIRE!
Every mile maker serves a purpose. Here are the 9 stages of physician financial freedom on your road towards FIRE. What stage are you?
There is a fine balance between fiscal responsibility and expense avoidance. Here we explore when it may be ok to ‘loosen the purse strings!’
Let us look at two physician families and their respective lifestyles. Here is why lifestyle matters! Check it out!
What is financial independence and why is it so important. Here we offer a deep dive into the reasonings to prioritize freedom!