My Physician Side Hustle, Part 1

My journey starting The Motivated M.D., a series

What is a physician side hustle?

So here it is. 

I have decided to start a series on my journey pursing a physician side hustle.  If this is a new concept to you, let me take a moment to explain.  For years now there has been a financial movement among some physicians searching for other means of supplemental income.  These side hustles, or “side gigs,” as you may see them referred to, can include both medical and non-medical endeavors.  For me, this concept has evolved over many ways. 

Initially, I was utilizing so much of my free time moonlighting.  I was finding time in my already busy schedule for additional work as a physician.  As a pulmonary and critical care fellow in the era of COVID, these opportunities were frequent and appreciated.  However, the risk of burnout was ever present.  Trying to squeeze in an extra 12 to 24 hours’ worth of work in an 60-80 hour work week is no easy feat.  Already in a clinically heavy fellowship, working as an attending internist was just more work. 

I wanted to break away from this concept of “work more, make more” as the sole means of supplementing my income and thus expediting my financial independence.  My medical education is probably my best academic asset, but not my only one. 

Finding my interests

I began to research what other physicians were doing with their free time to supplement their income.  Much out there blurred the lines between passive income and “side hustle.”  To preface, all supplemental income will require varying amounts of invested time.  There is no free lunch.  

Videos and articles alike boasted intelligent investing, writing a book, or real estate management as easily acquired skill sets.  All incredibly smart and potentially lucrative side hustles, but none of which readily interested me or fit my availability.  (Believe me, I still have a novel I have been working on for years tucked away in the dark corners of my hard drive accumulating virtual dust). 

I needed something I enjoyed that offered value, that I could mascaraed as “work.”  Simultaneously and serendipitously, I had recently started using short, personal writings as a therapeutic means of getting my thoughts on paper.  Subsequently I developed a routine that incorporated 30 minutes a day of personal writing, focusing on what I was passionate about.  I found therapy in documenting my journey toward financial independence. 

The idea was staring me in the face. 

Why pursue a physician side hustle?

There are many reasons for this.  For some it is the manifestation of a long-loved hobby.  Others it may be an outlet to pursue interests other than medicine.  For me, pursuing a side hustle allowed me to work towards multiple goals in parallel. 

To begin, writing and discussing the financial environment of the modern physician is therapeutic.  I truly enjoy getting my thoughts and ideas on paper.  Secondly, this allowed me to pursue an interest outside of clinical medicine.  Yes, so much of what I write has a hand in medicine, but enjoying a cup of coffee and getting my thoughts on paper, and the practice of medicine are two totally different things.  Lastly, a side hustle would act as a vehicle to hasten my pursuit of financial freedom. 

If I have not said it outright in other posts, I often feel financially shackled by medicine.  I love caring for patients, educating trainees, and performing procedures.  However, I long for the opportunity to practice because I wish to, not because I have to.  The sooner I can achieve this financial freedom, the sooner I can shape my life to reflect my intentions when I set out to become a physician. 

What are my expectations?

From what I have read, creating online content and accumulating a viewership is difficult.  It is not just about offering something of value, but about timing, luck, impact factor, ease of access, monthly site visits, etc.  I look at so many individuals currently achieving success through shared social media that the pool already seems too saturated.  How can an ordinary physician from the southeastern United States possibly compete?  Can I really create something valuable and original? 

Fortunately for me my expectations of this project in its early form are quite elementary.  After all, ignorance is bliss, right?  So, what can I reasonably expect from myself? 

For starters, I plan on continuing my writing, focusing on physician finance, financial independence, and associated interests.  I will lead from a place of personal experience and try to be as transparent as possible in the process.  Ill work to write a post approximately once to twice a week without letting it distract me from my priorities: family, career, and happiness. 

Taking the first step

Where am I today?  Currently, as I write this article, I am lying on the couch softly typing on my laptop.  My wife and dogs are asleep next to me while a Marvel movie plays on mute in the background.  I can occasionally rest my eyes from the screen by looking out the nearest window at the cotton candy sunset beyond.  Every once and awhile, life can make you feel like you are exactly where you are meant to be.  Honestly, I do feel good about this undertaking.  In medicine, we spend so much of our lives in pursuit of intangible short and long-term goals.  This pursuit is just another.  There is an odd comfort in that.

The conclusion of this post will mark the fifth post I have written and tucked away for safe keeping.  My current plan is to continue to write as inspiration comes.  I will likely hold myself to a goal of twenty-five articles before I will transition some of my time towards building a website.  All of that seems complicated and messy.  Actually, it sounds like a great job for future me.  Right now, I will continue to work on my writing and investigating topics I find of merit to share.  This seems a worthy goal for now.  And as always…

Stay motivated!

The Motivated M.D.

If you like this series, make sure to check out all the others in the series here! Also, make sure to follow us on Twitter, and Instagram!

I hope you enjoyed my thoughts above. If you are pursuing a side hustle, I would love to hear about your journey in the comments down below! Take care.

Standard Disclaimer: None of the information on this website is meant as individualized financial or medical advice.  These posts may contain affiliate links.

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