Motivation Monday Recap September 16th, 2024

Motivation Monday Recap – September 16th, 2024

Happy Motivation Monday!  This week we are featuring a handful of articles on a plethora of subjects from various physician finance content creators across the web.  I hope you find the below articles informative and entertaining.  Have a great week.

The Motivated M.D.

The first article on our list is our most recent publication.  As I celebrate a time in my life where I have freed up discretionary income, I am starting to consider real estate investing.  Though investments in stocks and bonds remains mainstream, often physicians are approached with real estate investments, largely for their high incomes.  As I begin to self-educate on real estate investments, I wanted to help answer the question: when should doctors begin investing in real estate?

You can find the entire article by heading to The Motivated M.D.: When Should Doctors Begin Investing in Real Estate?

A sailboat is enjoying retirement in this square advertisement from Faes & Co. for the best passive real estate investments for physicians embedded in the Motivation Monday Recap post

The White Coat Investor

The second article this week is a great reflection on the opportunity costs of purchasing expensive vehicles.  Dr. Tyler Scott, a columnist at The White Coat Investor reflects on his previous four cars, and why purchasing a ‘beater’ to get from A-to-B may very well make him a multimillionaire. 

You can find the entire article by heading to The White Coat Investor: My 27-Year-Old Care Will Make Me a Multimillionaire.

Passive Income MD

Next on our list is an article highlighting the importance of saying ‘No.’  Many who enter medicine are ‘yes’ people.  It is great to be open to helping others, but as our careers and personal lives progress, often we find ourselves over agreeing and quickly becoming overwhelmed.  There is an art to saying no, and Dr. Peter Kim provides an enjoyable seven minute read describing the art of saying no. 

You can find the entire article by heading to Passive Income MD: The Art of Saying No: Live a More Focused, Higher Quality Life.

Invest with DLP Capital with confidence as one of the best passive real estate investments for doctors.

Physician on FIRE

Last, but certainly not least is an article from our friends at Physician on FIRE.  With the recent presidential debate taking place this past week, we learn more about our candidates and their potential policies, should the take office. 

Alvin Yam writes on PoF, what your taxes could look like under a Trump or Harris Presidency.  Though we still don’t know exactly how these plans would manifest, it sparked great reflection and commentary regarding the privilege afforded to us as high-income earners as well as taxes on abundance.  What do you think?

You can find the entire article by heading to Physician on FIRE: What Your Taxes Could Look Like Under a Trump or Harris Presidency

Have a great week!

The Motivated M.D.

Standard Disclaimer: None of the information on this website is meant as individualized financial or medical advice.  These posts may contain affiliate links.

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