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A Free Personal Finance Guide for Physicians

For those who have not been following the blog over the past few months, I have been using my (almost) weekly publishing cadence to write a book.  I am still somewhat unclear about what I plan to do with this work when it is completed, but I foresee it will last approximately 14-15 chapters.  Our most recently published post marked the completion of Chapter 7 of our current content series; thus, we have hit the halfway point! Here is a free personal finance guide for physicians (so far…)

A doctor appears ready in this green and blue banner ad for the best paid medical surveys for physicians from MDForLives embedded in a free personal finance guide for physicians

Before I Start the Back Half

While I sat down to formally start Chapter 8, I figured I would pause for a moment to acknowledge the milestone reached and hope to remind everyone that nearly half of a personal finance book is up on my website for free! However, I totally understand that navigating each individual blog post, chapter by chapter, may be more cumbersome of a reading experience than you wish to pursue. As such, I wanted to publish a (mini) blog post. 

This week I have worked to create a table of contents guiding you to each individual chapter.  My current working title is Doctor Money: A Personal Finance Guide for Physicians, and thus, I have coined the current content series as well.  In the first half of this work, we have addressed some of the cornerstones of sound physician finances.  From our introduction defining ‘The Doctors Dilemma’ to our most recent publication on How Physicians Should Address Student Loans in 2024.  Each chapter seeks to accurately and efficiently tackle a subject paramount to medical trainees and early career medical professionals. 

What follows is a table of contents…of sorts. I have created links to each individual introduction and chapter. Further, I have edited each specific chapter to include the previous and subsequent chapters to facilitate a more fluid reading experience. I hope you enjoy it and share it with your family, friends, and colleagues!

Doctors and healthcare professionals appear content in this blue and white banner ad from Faes & Co. about the best passive real estate investments for physicians

Doctor Money: A Personal Finance Guide for Physicians

Introduction: The Motivated M.D.

Chapter 1: The Doctor’s Dilemma

Chapter 2: Set Realistic Goals

Chapter 3: How to Build a Budget

Chapter 4: How to Write a Comprehensive Financial Plan

Chapter 5: The Emergency Fund

Chapter 6: Protecting Your Ass(ets)

Chapter 7: Addressing Student Loans

What Comes Next?

I hope you enjoyed reading some or all the information provided in the first half of this content series (future book?).  I am genuinely working to create something timeless for the betterment of our young professionals.  Though many other great works target physician finance, I believe my transparency, honesty, and shared experience make this a more relatable work in the personal finance niche.  I hope you agree.

I am already completing Chapter 8, focusing on automating your finances and savings.  Saving is easier if you remove the human element.  How can you better automate your financial future?

This square ad displays the ease with which you can use EquityMultiple's app to make passive real estate investments and grow your next egg.

Thank You

For all who have visited The Motivated M.D., read our content, promoted our works, and communicated by leaving a comment, thank you.  Every individual’s financial and educational journey that intersects here leaves this website better.  Our site continues to grow in traffic and cater to a wider array of healthcare professionals.  This content series (and hopefully future physical book), as well as our recommended services, are just some of the many ways we hope to use this website as a tool to connect inquisitive trainees and medical professionals with the information, education, and services they need to reach personal and financial success. 

I hope you will all continue to join me on this journey.  Please leave a comment, subscribe to our newsletter, and share any and all of our content.  Thanks again.  As always…

Stay motivated!

The Motivated M.D.

Additional Resources

Though I highly recommend everyone check out our ‘book in progress,’ I wanted to make sure I included links to other great physician finance books. Here are a few that I think should be included alongside mine to help any trainee or early career professional start off on the right foot:

The White Coat Investor

The Physician Philosopher’s Guide to Personal Finance

The Only Investment Guide You Will Ever Need

The Millionaire Next Door

The Doctor’s Guide to Eliminating Debt

A doctor appears happy taking paid medical surveys on his phone in this square advertisement from ZoomRx

Disclaimer and Limit of Liability

This post (and hopefully its eventual publication) is designed strictly to inform and entertain. I am in no way, shape, or form a financial professional, nor does this site provide formalized financial advice. I do not provide nor engage in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If legal advice or other professional/expert assistance is required, then the services of an accredited professional should be sought. I am not liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.

Further, no part of this series, post, or any post on this website may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of the author.

Standard Disclaimer: None of the information on this website is meant as individualized financial or medical advice.  These posts may contain affiliate links.

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