Motivation Monday Recap – August 19th, 2024
Hi everyone! I wanted to experiment a little on the site. This Monday, I wanted to try something new that will (hopefully) add more regular content for your viewing pleasure. I have seen a lot of other content creators in the niche have a version of a ‘Best of The Week,’ and I wanted to do the same. Every Monday, I will work to provide you with two or three articles that I have read and found interesting, enlightening, or just entertaining! I will also include my works for promotional purposes, in case you missed them.
This will provide a break from my regularly published content and shine a light on many other great articles from others in the personal finance community. I will not limit this to physician finance only, either. Just as I am sure you have a wide array of interests, so too should your financial fund of knowledge. I hope each Monday, we can provide at least one article you will find motivational as you enter another week. That said, here is the inaugural Motivation Monday Recap for August 19th, 2024. Have a great day!
Table of Contents
The Motivated M.D.
How Could I not start by promoting my content, right? This week, I wanted to highlight our most recent publication. Two weeks ago, I published an article titled Our Loan Repayment Progress in 2024. This article highlighted our latest financial milestone. In it, we discussed how we had completed paying off over $324,000 of my wife’s medical education debt. It was a sensational feeling, and I wished to share an update with our community.
However, as the excitement wore off, I found myself struggling with many thoughts regarding debt elimination and all the baggage that comes with it. I decided to publish a deeper foray into the emotional highs and lows of debt elimination, as well as some growing concerns I have about loan forgiveness in our current political environment. You can find that entire article by heading to The Motivated M.D. blog: The Highs and Lows of Debt Elimination.
Financial Samurai
The next article I could not help but sink my teeth into came from Sam Dogen of the Financial Samurai. With a recent price-fixing verdict affecting the real estate market, Sam got his hands on an article from Sotheby’s (a prominent real estate brokerage firm) that shared their future expectations on price negations for buyers and sellers in the United States housing markets.
It has proven to be a fascinating time for many who are either looking for their first home or considering future economic outlooks regarding home upgrades. With so many feeling locked in their current three(ish) percent mortgage, perhaps new agent commission negotiations will shake up the current market.
You can read the entire article on the Financial Samurai: Proof The Real Estate Industry is Finally Lowering Commissions.
Let me know your thoughts on the Motivation Monday Recap. Do you like it? Did it provide you with at least one interesting read? Would you like to see this become a regular thing? Let me know in the comments below about the Motivation Monday Recap.
Also, it would be genuinely helpful if you would share our content with others. Anything from an email to a friend or family member, to a like, a comment, or a follow on social media is appreciated. Every little but helps our website grow. Thank you. See you next Monday! As always…
Stay motivated!
The Motivated M.D.
Standard Disclaimer: None of the information on this website is meant as individualized financial or medical advice. These posts may contain affiliate links.